Face Detection on Raspberry Pi 4 using OpenCV and Camera Module

Face Detection on Raspberry Pi 4 using OpenCV and Camera Module

Face detection is a fundamental tool in various applications, such as security systems and surveillance. By learning how to create a face detection system using the Raspberry Pi 4 and OpenCV, you'll acquire valuable skills that can be applied across a wide range of projects.


Video Tutorial


OpenCV's Role in Face Detection

OpenCV, the Open Source Computer Vision Library, is a widely-used open-source toolkit made for tasks in computer vision and image processing. With its array of pre-built functions, OpenCV simplifies intricate image operations and pattern recognition tasks, making it indispensable for projects like face detection.





Installing OpenCV

Firstly, you will have to install OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit, please watch the video below to learn how to do so.





Project complete

Once you run the code, the camera window will pop up, when faces are detected, the images will be saved automatically on a sperate folder.